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Monday, 23 December 2013

Top Company Names Origin

1. Mercedes – Daughter name of the founder.
2. Nokia - Name of river in Finland.

3. Pepsi - Named from the digestive enzyme pepsin.

Honda - From the name of its founder Soichiro Honda.
Sony - From the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound.
Maggi - Food company named after its founder,Julius Maggi.
Suzuki - From founder, Michio Suzuki.
Samsung - Meaning 'three stars' in Korea.
9. Toyota - From founder, Sakichi Toyoda.
Yamaha - After Torakusu Yamaha, founder.
11. Adidas - From the name of the founder Adolf (Adi) and Dassler (das).
12. 7UP- 7 because the bottle was seven ounce and UP from carbon bubbles coming up.
13. Intel- Short form of Integrated Circuits.
14. Coca Cola- From Coca leaves and Kola nuts.
15. Nikon- Short form of Nippon Kogaku meaning ‘Japanese Optical’.
16. Vodafone- Voice, Data and Telefone.
17. Volkswagen- People’s car.
18. Wal-Mart- Name from founder Sam Walton.
19. Skype- Sky-Peer-to-Peer.
20. Pixar – From pixel and the co-founders name, Alvy Ray Smith.
21. Hewlett-Packard(hp): After the founders, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard.
22. MicroSoft- MICROcomputer SOFTware.
23. Apple- Steve Jobs favourite fruit.
24. Sun Microsystems- SUN is acronym of Standford University Network, founded by Standford University students.
25. Accenture- Accent on the Future, proposed by company employee in Norway

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